"I'm not just a gay hairdresser. I'm also a homosexual party planner"
-30 rock
This Spring Break has been a lot of fun. I've been able to relax and get caught up on life. I got a pedicure :) finished my application to study abroad in Spain! and I got my gnome mage all the way to lv. 14. I started Spring Break with visiting my sister in Fort Worth. We had a fun photo shoot. Here is a sneak peek ;)
My sister and my nephew Jaiden
Jaiden giving his pouty face. We had a mini photo shoot in my sister's house. I was experimenting with backdrops. It turned out ok but I learned I need to invest in some lighting equipment.

Happy Jaiden :)
Family Pic

This was too cute! He was amazed by all the people at Botanical Gardens.
To end my Spring Break Jeremy and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Tulsa at the Hard Rock Hotel. It was amazing! We met up with my friends in downtown Tulsa and celebrated in the St. Patrick's festivities.