- My iPhone 4 - we had great times together. gone before your time
- My High School Friends - you guys make me appreciate what true friends are
- Meeka - i rarely get to see her anymore and i hope i can change that soon
- My old self - i've changed a lot since i came to college and most of it was for the better but i do miss how i used to find such joy in every day life. i need to find that again.
- Singing - i've been singing since i was 8 and i haven't had much time to do it since i left altus
- My house - i love my old room and my tv room. living in these small spaces is starting to get to me
- My cousins - i barely get to see them any more. they were my best friends/siblings growing up and most of my favorite moments as a child involve them.
- My mom's cooking - the fast food and microwaved dinners just aren't the same
- Buffy & Angel - those were just great shows and nothing has come close since
- Pokemon - i want to say i dedicated 5 years of my life to that game. 5 years not wasted
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Things I Miss
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I wanna see you in your birthday suit
"There's a party going down at the Casa de Britt's, bring all your friends, as long as they are chicks." - Green Hornet
Today was Jaiden's Birthday! Jaiden has been a blessing and I couldn't have asked for a better nephew. Today we went to the hospital to see all the nurses that cared for him while he was in the NICU for what seemed like forever! I remember seeing him in that little incubator. He looked so small and sad. He only weighed 1.6 pounds and was 12 inches long. He was literally skin and bones but he has come a long way from that day.
After we left the hospital we went to eat lunch at Lily's cafe. I got their famous Lily's burger and it was oh so good. Jaiden was so happy because when we got there his grandparents had gotten him some balloons for his birthday and he played with them the entire time.
To finish the night we went to the Fort Worth Museum where we saw Tornado Alley. Oceans was sold out :/ It was the first movie Jaiden had ever seen and what better than a IMAX theater with loud thunder and tornadoes? Needless to say he had to sit in the baby room sealed with sound proof glass. It was a good movie though. They had the OU meteorology crew on there!
Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and then I'm driving back for Angela's 21st :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
That new car smell smell
So a lot of things have been changing. I thought I'd update a few people in my life.

I'm going to study abroad in Barcelona, Spain! I leave on June 27th and I couldn't be more excited. I've always wanted to go to Europe and what's a better way than on OU's dime?

Tomorrow is my nephew's first birthday! I'm currently down in Texas with them getting ready for the festivities. It will be a great weekend. Tomorrow we start it off by going to the NICU to visit all the wonderful nurses that helped Jaiden while he spent 5 long months in their care.
And finally the biggest change in my life. My boyfriend of two years and I broke up last weekend which turned my world upside down. First of all I had to find a new place to live this summer and next semester. Of course he waited till the last minute so finding a roommate so late was really hard. Thank goodness my friends are amazing and helped me out so this summer I will be living with my friend Michelle and next year I will be living with Justina and hopefully Angela. I'm doing ok with the break up this time. In October when he broke up with me the first time I was in shock I guess so I didn't take it so well. And then a week later we got back together which was dumb on my part. I knew he wasn't just magically ready to get back into a relationship but I was weak and didn't want to lose him. It sucks when someone else seems to be in charge of your life. I don't want that to happen to me again. By the end of our relationship I didn't even feel like we were friends any more. He never wanted to hang out with me and I just felt like a burden to him. It seemed like he just wasn't trying. Which should have been a red flag but I overlooked a lot of things while we were together. I'm not trying to trash talk him though. I truly believed he tried to be the best boyfriend he could to me but in the long run it wasn't what I deserved or wanted. I think he's a good person and I wish he could have been what I wanted him to be but we can't control other people's actions or feelings.
I'm hoping to take this time to focus on myself and finish school. I'm going to try and still graduate next Spring and get out of OU. I'm ready to move on and go to the next stage in my life. Oh and my hair is back to it's natural color! It's been a while lol.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My Favorite Things Part 1
I've seen a few people do this so I thought I would give it a try.

Television- As many of you may know I'm obsessed with tv! I watch so many shows I lose count. Tv for me is a way to relax and be entertained at the same time. I get really sucked into a show so much that I can speed through seasons of a show in just a few days.

Urban Outfitters - I love to online shop here. I'm hoping to decorate my house with things from here. The style is simple and cute. The prices are also reasonable.

Dresses with Belts - I love dresses! Who would have thought comfortable clothing could look pretty? I have definitely changed my wardrobe since I came to college and I think it's a good change. Now to expand my shoe collection.

Cloudy Days - I hate the sun! Some of you may know I get really bad heat rash which just solidifies my hate for the sun. I love when it's 60 degrees and cloudy. It's like the weather right before it is going to rain. If only the sun could always hide behind those big clouds.

Dr. Pepper - Lets not forget my soda addiction. I hope to one day combat it but as of now I'm a slave. My soda preferences have change throughout the years but as for now my favorite is Dr. Pepper.
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