Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I'm in one of those funks again. Went to the doctor today and found out I have an ear infection so that doesn't help things either. When I'm not at work I'm in my little room watching online tv. I go out some nights but I'm just not really as happy as I could be. I know it's just me being a debbie downer and I'm ready for this all to end but I feel like it's been going on for months now. I usually spend summers with my family in my own house so being in a new apartment alone is hard to get used to. A lot of my friends are out of town for the summer and my boyfriend is non existent these days. I'm bringing up Meeka this week and I'll be moving into my permanent apartment with cable tv and a ceiling fan so things should be looking up. I purchased my ticket to Spain today and could not be more ready to leave the country! Hopefully my next post will be a happy one : )

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