Thursday, December 29, 2011

Boomer Sooner Cupcakes

I've been on pinterest a lot. From there I got the idea to do red velvet cupcakes and of course crimson and cream means boomer sooner time. 

I also attempted to make my own buttercream lol. Need to look up more recipes. 

Ta Da! Added my runny buttercream frosting lol and then added a few crumbs of red velvet cake. Hopefully they taste good...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

DIY Christmas Desert in a Jar

This was harder than it looks....

I saw some really cool ideas about deserts in a jar. They looked so glorious and delicious. If only I knew....

So the cheese cakes were easy. I used about half a cheesecake per jar which was a little bit too much in my opinion. I just didn't want to wast it. I would suggest 3 jars per cheesecake next time. You basically make it just like a normal cheesecake. 

1. Prepare crust and apply to bottom of jar.
2. Put filling in jar.
3. Add topping and...ta da!

The cake was harder :(

I divided the cake batter and added food coloring to make them pretty christmas colors. Layered the colors in the jars and put them in the oven. Look how pretty they not put that much batter in the jars. It will only end badly. Put like half of that. One box of cake mix will make 8 jars. After they baked and I removed the excess cake spilling out of the jar I added icing and sprinkles. They ended up pretty cute.

1. Prepare cake batter and add desired food coloring.
2. Put cake batter in the jars about 1/3 of the way.
3. Put jars on baking pan and put foil or cookie sheet under jars.
4. Cook for about 40 min or until fork comes out clean.
5. Add icing and sprinkles.

The End

Monday, December 19, 2011

DIY Christmas Gift

I saw this on etsy when I was looking for some canvas art for my room. 

After much deliberation I decided I could probably just do it myself. 

Bought a canvas, foam paper that sticks to stuff, and used a hot glue gun to glue old crayons to the canvas. Took a blow dryer to melt the crayons and let it happen. 

The sticky foam paper didn't quite work like I wanted it to so I had to trace it in black. The hearts may have been an overboard.

All in all I was please with the experiment. More projects to come!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Not enough ladies, too many mans...

"Too many men,
Too many boys,
Too many misters,
Not enough sisters.
Too much time on, too many hands...
Not enough ladies, too many mans."

It's Christmas break!!! Finals are over and I think I came out unscathed. Now it's time to focus on things like catching up on tv, doing arts and crafts, and sleeping till 2pm. Best Buy has been crazy but it provides me with the money so what can you do? I've been really interested in DIY things lately so here are a few I've been trying:

Bought this new from Hobby Lobby and then stained it with a darker color so it would look oldish. I was pleased how it turned out. 

My art therapy class made us do a sketch book for abused children from a center in Norman. I wanted my cover to look fun, inviting, and care free. Sketch book cost &7, paper cost $3 and modgepodge cost $5. 

Cut out letters from the scrap book paper then glued them down. After the glue dried I added modge podge over the top to set it. 

These are two different designs I test out. One was for me and one was for the little abused kids. 

Final Results 

I discovered a website called Pinterest. It basically gives you ideas of things to try or other things people find interesting. I found a lot of recipes for food on here that looked like fun. This first one I tried is s'more cups. Super easy and delicious. 

This was a recipe from a friend. Never had oreo balls before but they were super good. 

This is my next project. We'll see how it turns out. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Couldn't Care Less Bear

“The whole thing is a scam. Birthdays were invented by Hallmark to sell cards.” - Parks and Rec

This is who I aspire to be

Reality Check

So I have been feeling super lonely lately. So lonely in fact I was going through my phone literally thinking about texting people I never hang out with just to ask if they wanted to watch a movie with me. Ugh what a loser. It was bad. I even thought maybe I should get back together with the ex. BUT...I found this letter I wrote to him and it made me realize I am so much happier than I used to be. Thank goodness for facebook. (Keep in mind this was before the cheating yeah there were many things that contributed to the break up) 

To Asshole:

i wanted to let you know that i haven't been honest with you the last couple of days. when you said you wanted us to get back together i said we should start with being friends again but i haven't felt that from you. last week upset me so much because i put so much trust into this relationship and you give me none in return. i always thought you would begin to trust me the longer we were together but i don't think you have. i never felt wrong about trusting you but recently i feel you have lost that trust. i never thought you would lie to me about who you hung out with or what you guys did but last week you let me know that you have no restraints on lying to my face. you said you did it because you knew i would over react but the fact that you still did it means you were more concerned about yourself than me. if you didn't tell me about hanging out with some girl in altus then why should i believe you don't hang out with other girls in norman? i trusted you asshole and you threw that in my face. it's not me over reacting about my boyfriend lying to me about being with a girl. you do so many things on your own. we don't hang out and you have all these friends that i have never even seen. i feel like there is a reason you don't invite me with you. like you don't want them to know i exist. it's not normal that i shouldn't know who half your friends are. i want you to want me to meet your friends and become friends with them. keeping them from me makes me feel like there is a reason i don't see them. there is so much resentment i hold towards you and you telling me to just live with you lying to me or live with you being so distant from me makes me feel like i'm having to just endure all this crap. i feel so much stress from being with you because i want you to be this awesome boyfriend to me and i have these expectations that aren't fair to you. in a perfect world i would want you to be honest with me, invite me to hang out with your friends and treat me like i'm a friend, be polite to me and make me feel like you are happy to be with me. i don't think that's a lot to ask from you. you don't give that to me and it makes me sad because i do love you asshole but from your actions you show me that i don't care to you as much as i should. you say you love me but if you did would you lie to me? spend 99% of your time with your friends and fit me in for the last hours of your night? i sometimes feel like your booty call. I want to go on dates with your or do dumb things like go to walmart. just spend time with you but you don't let me. i can't keep living like this. i put up with it because i do love you asshole but do you want me to keep putting up with you? you could be such a good boyfriend if you wanted to. but you don't want to with me. i don't want to break up asshole but we aren't in a relationship together. i don't know what i am to you but i know you don't treat me like your girlfriend. i bought you tickets, a drink, drove you to the theater and you didn't show one bit of gratitude. you threw on whatever you had in your car. dressing up to go out with me shows me you at least car but you can't even do were rude to me at the theater and then called me something rude then you just said i'm sorry that hurt your feelings. i don't think you realize how you treat me. i'm not happy asshole. i haven't been for a while and you have done nothing to make it better. i'm sending you this because you deserve to know how i feel. i'm at the point where after breaking up with me twice you made me realize i don't need to be with you. my friends that you always talk crap about where the only ones there to help me pick up the pieces when you broke up with me. they were the ones who sat up with me at 5am because i couldn't sleep without you. they were the ones who hung out with me every minute when i was awake because without them i would just cry thinking about you. you did that to me. that's how much i love you asshole so realize what i'm saying isn't because i don't love you. i'm saying this because i'm thinking about myself now. before i could have never broken up with you. i couldn't picture my life without you but you made me realize that i can be happy by myself. you chose twice that life without me was better for you. i would rather be happy with you but i can now choose for myself what i want and you are the reason i feel this way. both times when you broke up with me i had to reset my life to be without you. the first time i thought it was the end of the world but then you came back. i thought everything was good but i felt like it was all just a lie because you didn't tell me how you felt and you weren't happy that entire time so you broke up with me again and told me you didn't love me. it seemed so easy for you to just cut me out of your life. i'm glad you did it though because it made me stronger and realize i don't need you asshole. but i'm not saying i don't want you in my life. i want you to be a great boyfriend to me and love me as much as i love you. i want you to show me that but you haven't yet. i'm telling you all this because if we break up again i don't want it to catch you off guard like it did me. this can be fixed and i'm giving you the opportunity to fix it but if you can't then stop putting me through this. stop making me wait for you to fall madly in love with me. stop making me have to stand up for you when people at work or my friends say you treat me like crap. i want you to try and make this up to me like you promised you would.

Oh god I do not want to be that girl again. If it means I'll have some lonely nights watching Dawson's creek for 12 hours I think that's better than letting some guy treat me like shit. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Favorite Instagrams + Thanksgiving Post

"She's in to me. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is the sexiest quality a woman can have." - Parks and Rec

Happy Early Birthday to meeee! Best gift I could ever get. 

Enjoying the newly single life. ha

About to go out for my 21st bday :)

Fun at work

New Comforter 

I still have time at work to take pics....

Halloween costume shopping <3

1st time at the Oklahoma State Fair

I <3 Barcelona!!!

Getting so big

DIY project :)

On my way home

My 1st love

I want a disco ball

Growing the hair out didn't last long

Windmills of Weatherford 

On the way to Colorado

Aint no party like a gay party

Sexual Healing

Good Hair Day

How cute is he!

I'm not conceited really...

Big/Lil feetsy

Petco Fun

Tornado Chaser in the Best Buy parking lot

This year's thanksgiving was great. Food was soooo good and the Cowboys won. The entire family gathered at our house again and I felt like things went pretty smoothly. Strangely I felt a little lonely this year once I was driving home. Last year I took food back for him and the year before that we went to his grandparent's house for a bit and it just kind of made me realize I'll be going home to my empty house to watch tv alone. The loneliness had been masked for a little bit but it comes in waves. Uuuuuugh. I don't miss him. Not really. But I miss having someone. Which doesn't make for a good recipe when finding someone else. Everyone says to enjoy being single but I was single for 18 years before and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Did the party thing for a while but 3 months has worn me down and I'm ready to return to my home body self...if only it didn't make me feel so dang depressed. Maybe I should get another dog. Crazy dog lady? Yeah I could see that....